Gardening Plants & Flowers Fruit

How to Grow and Care for Natal Plum

A Tropical Fruiting Shrub

natal plum

The Spruce / K. Dave

The Natal plum is a beautiful tropical shrub grown mostly as a flowering landscape specimen, but also for its small fruits, which taste like cranberries and are used in jams and jellies. Like Indian hawthorn, Natal plumb is used frequently in commercial landscapes in warmer climates, where its pretty, white, star-shaped flowers and fragrance are highly prized.

Natal plum is not related to the true plum (Prunus × domestica), but is so-named because of the shape and color of the 1- to 2-inch fruits. This broadleaf evergreen plant has ovate leaves that are dark green and leathery, with a glossy sheen, and many varieties have branches with thorns.

This shrub has a moderate to fast growth rate and is best planted (or transplanted) in fall or winter. For best results, plant Natal plum in sandy soil that drains well, as this will help naturally deter root rot. If you have grown a specific variety and wish to have more plants, propagate them from cuttings to ensure all of the plants have the same characteristics. It will take about two years for the shrub to mature enough to produce harvestable fruits.

All but the fruit of Natal plum can be mildly toxic to people.

Common Name Natal plum
Botanical Name Carissa macrocarpa 
Family Apocynaceae
Plant Type Shrub
Mature Size 2–7 ft, but some varieties can grow to 30 feet
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Sandy, well-drained
Soil pH Acidic, neutral, alkaline
Bloom Time Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Flower Color White
Hardiness Zones 9–11 (USDA)
Native Area Africa
Toxicity Mildly toxic to people
natal plums growing

The Spruce / K. Dave

plums ready for harvest

The Spruce / K. Dave

plum harvest

The Spruce / K. Dave

Natal Plum Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing Natal plum:

  • Pot in sandy, well-draining soil that is neutral to slightly acidic
  • Plant in full sun or part shade
  • Allow soil to dry out between watering
  • Feed with a balanced NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) plant food


Grow Natal plum in a location that receives full sun for the best results. It will also do fine in light shade but will likely not have as many flowers and fruits.


Natal plums are not picky about soil, so long as it is well-drained. In general, these plants prefer a slightly acidic or neutral pH, but will tolerate slightly alkaline soil. These plants are salt-tolerant and do well near coastal areas.


Water monthly to weekly depending on the variety, but be careful not to overwater as Natal plum is susceptible to root rot. Make sure soil dries out completely between waterings. Good drainage is very important. Natal plum is fairly drought-tolerant.

Temperature and Humidity

The Natal plum thrives in temperatures that range above 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and between 50 and 65 degrees at night. They are quite sensitive to cold—young plants cannot tolerate temps below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and established plants can be killed by temps below 25 degrees. These plants are equally tolerant of humid and dry air conditions, provided they get enough soil moisture.


Use a fertilizer that has equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This will help maintain the shrub's general health and promote fruiting. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions.

Types of Natal Plum

  • 'Emerald Blanket': A low, spreading dwarf cultivar that is often used as a ground cover shrub
  • 'Nana': Thornless dwarf cultivar grows to only 12 to 18 inches tall and wide and has white flowers
  • 'Boxwood Beauty': Another thornless variety, with a mounded growth habit, often used as a foundation planting or ground cover; has white flowers and matures at about 24 inches tall and wide
  • 'Fancy': A standard upright form with upright, large fruit
  • 'Tomlinson': A standard-sized thornless variety
  • Variegata': Cream to yellow variegation

Harvesting Natal Plum

The fruits of Natal plum ripen individually, not all at once. Pick them from the shrub as soon as they achieve a dark red or purple color. They will persist in a ripened state on the tree for several days without spoiling. The fruit will store up to one week in the refrigerator and may be used in jams, jellies, pies, and preserves.


You can shape Natal plum into a tree form or hedge through pruning. Trimming will also prompt the shrub to produce more flowers and fruit. With many varieties having sharp spines, you may need to prune plants that are close to a sidewalk so that pedestrians do not get injured. Prune dead wood and frost damage in late winter or early spring, and trim back after peak blooming and fruiting season ends in late summer.

Propagating Natal Plum

Natal plum is easy to propagate using stem cuttings, which can be taken at any time of the year. Here's how:

  1. You will need pruners, rooting hormone, sand, peat moss, loam, and a glass or small pot.
  2. Select 4- to 6-inch cuttings, treat them with rooting hormone, and either insert them in moist sand or place them in a glass of water.
  3. Once the roots appear, plant the stems in a mix that consists of one part sand, one part peat moss, and two parts loam.
  4. Keep the new cuttings moist (not wet), and provide bottom heat with a heating pad until new growth begins.
  5. At this point, the cuttings can be potted into larger containers or transplanted into the garden.

Potting and Repotting

Natal plums grow well in containers on patios and balconies, and as a houseplant with smaller varieties. Use a well-draining, sandy potting soil in a pot that’s big enough for the roots to grow and has drainage holes. If the plant’s growth slows down and its roots are visible from the bottom holes of the container, it’s likely root bound and should be repotted.


To overwinter Natal Plum indoors, it will need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight and adequate humidity, supplied from a humidifier or a pebble tray.

Common Pests and Diseases

You should not have many pest problems with this shrub. You may see Florida red scale (Chrysomphalus aonidum) or aphids, which can be removed with horticultural soap. Fungal infestation may occur if a Natal plum is overwatered.

How to Get Natal Plum to Bloom

Bloom Months

Natal plum blooms and fruits from May to September, but can bloom throughout the year.

What Does Natal Plum’s Flowers Look and Smell Like?

Each Natal plum flower features five waxy petals arranged in a star shape. They are usually 1 to 3 inches long and are formed along the branch in an opposite arrangement. Natal plum flowers smell similar to orange blossoms.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Pruning encourages the shrub to produce more flowers and fruit. 

  • How should I use Natal Plum in the landscape?

    Natal plum is a drought- and salt-tolerant shrub that grows well in coastal areas. Most varieties have sharp spines, so it can work well as a barrier or hedge. Depending on the variety, Natal plum can also be used as a ground cover or grown in containers. 

  • Can Natal plum grow indoors?

    Smaller cultivars can be grown as indoor container plants, but make sure thorny varieties are positioned so they won't scratch passers-by. Natal plums are also grown as bonsai plants.

  • Is Natal plum invasive?

    Natal plum is not considered invasive.

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  1. Carissa macrocarpa. North Carolina State Extension.

  2. Natal plums—fragrant blooms, tasty fruit. University of Florida.

  3. Natal plums—fragrant blooms, tasty fruit. University of Florida.

  4. Carissa macrocarpa. North Carolina State Extension.